Serving Our Church

Eucharistic Ministers/Lay Readers help lead worship and assist the priest regularly at Sunday liturgies and other special liturgies throughout the year. Lay Readers are authorized to lead services of Morning or Evening Prayer (and others) in the absence of a priest. Training is provided by St. Peter’s. Coordinator: TBD

Acolytes are usually young people who assist in worship services. Acolytes usually begin at age 10 or younger and often serve throughout high school. Training is provided. Coordinator: TBD

Altar Guild prepares the altar and the sanctuary for the celebration of Holy Eucharist. The members take care of altar linens, altar vessels, candles and vestments. Coordinators: Mary Ellis and Cindy Everett

Flower Guild is responsible for weekly flower arrangements on the altar. Parishioners are encouraged to offer flowers in honor of loved ones. Coordinator: Anne Blackwell

Ushers greet visitors and parishioners as they arrive for worship. During the service they pass the offering basins and guide worshippers to the altar to receive communion. They are also responsible for taking an accurate count of attendance that is documented in the church’s official records. Coordinator: TBD

Vestry has the primary responsibility for leading the parish together with the rector. Vestry members are elected at the annual parish meeting, which usually occurs in January each year. The rector, in consultation with the vestry, appoints other officers of the church, i.e., the clerk, treasurer, and wardens. St. Peter’s prides itself on its shared leadership model and encourages interested parishioners to serve a term on the vestry.